Monday, February 12, 2007

Contemplative Thought: 12Feb07

Closed eyes:

"Who Am I?"

Shiva Eye
slowly formed
In my mind's eye.

I dissolve.

My stomach
caves in.

"Who Am I?"

"Who is asking this question?"
I wonder.

Open eyes.

Shiva's gone
into hiding.

Perhaps a
noontime nap.

Too much to

when'no mind'
is the goal.

I think I'll
fill my head

With Samuel Barber's

And play
hide and seek

With my Self

after a slumber
of my own.

A lazy day
of decaf
and music

Never killed

'Never saved

Either, I suppose.

Oh, guilty conscience--

Go to bed!
I know the

for laziness
on the path

is guilt,
restless emotions,


The slumber
can wait.

Eternity is now!
the sages say;

All I have
is now.

(deep breath)

"Dear Lord,

This is your
humble servant

Forgive me
for my laziness,
as I forgive myself
just the same.

If you're not too busy,
could you show yourself
to me,
and show me
Who I am?

Yes, yes...
that's it.
Reveal Yourself
to me

so I may
find peace
in my heart

and witness
the thoughts
as they arise.

Oh, thank you
my Love;

I remember now:

I am not
this restless mind
and body--

I am That
Who witnesses

the state
of 'my' body

and mind.

(deep breath)

Thank you,
My Lord--

for showing me
that You
and I
drink from
the same cup;
With the same
pair of lips.



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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Om guru Om!
I'm another siddha yogi who came across your blog...what great poems! charged with deep contemplation :+) signs of a true seeker :). May the blessings of sadhana and yoga continue!

- Dharani or
justiceandcontrast in yahoo 360 :)